The Young
Mighty & Great

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Raising Leaders
Mentors & Icons

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About Universal Radiant Family Cape Coast

Universal Radiant Family - University of Cape Coast

Welcome to the Universal Radiant Family - Cape Coast Branch! We are delighted that you've chosen to join our community of the Young, Mighty, and Great. At our church, we are dedicated to nurturing your spiritual growth and supporting you in every aspect of life - Spirit, Soul, and Body.Before you complete our membership forms, we invite you to familiarize yourself with our rich history, inspiring vision, and vibrant activities. This will give you a deeper understanding of who we are and what we stand for as a congregation.

Brief History

History of URF

The Universal Radiant Family has been in existence for the past 11years since its inception in the year 2012 through the excellent leadership of our Presiding Minister - Apostle Sefam Lawrence Tamakloe. The church has been an established as a vibrant young-adult church organization all over the country and internationally precisely Europe and North America with an excellent track of impacting the lives of young people in shaping them for societal impact through the Word of God.

More History

The church has in operation 12 branches in the nation with the headquarters located at Legon – Accra. We believe in empowering young people to rise in great influence and undeniable integrity through the teaching of the accurate knowledge of Christ for societal transformation and this has been our prime focus. The church is officially registered with The Registrar General’s Department for legal operations in the country.

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The Life Transforming Experience

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We are more than happy to welcome You to the Universal Radiant Family

Our Vision

The vision statement of the church is to teach/preach the Gospel in every nation of the earth for the complete/entire salvation of the world, raising Global Leaders, Mentors and Icons through discipling every believer and planting churches everywhere there is a human being.


The church has a mandate to bring perfection/full maturity into the body of Christ through the dissemination of the accurate knowledge of Christ and equipping believers for the work of the ministry in all nations of the world.

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